
We all know the feeling…increased heart rate, feeling overwhelmed, can’t think clearly, palms sweaty, that feeling is called anxiety, and we all feel it at some point in our lives.  

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Tips for Exercising in the Heat

Awe exercising in the summer months, I know how easy it is to skip an outdoor activity because it’s so darn hot/humid. I also know that so many of you are dedicated to your goals of exercising (go go!) and I’m so proud of you for that! So what do you do when the heat is unbearable, and you want to exercise outdoors without putting extra stress on your body.

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Rest, Reset, and Recharge

I talk a lot about sleep. Sleep is a foundational part of our health and so important.  While rest is different from sleep, it’s just as essential if you want to perform at your best and have less mental angst.

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Just Be

Just being calm (vs. remaining in fear) can be very difficult for many of us. The news is slamming us with plenty of reasons to be afraid. This causes many of us to feel anxiety and worry which in turn causes us to remain in "fight or flight", to deplete our adrenals, and to decrease our immunity.

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Strength Training Will Change Your Life

If you want to be healthier, if you want to be stronger, lose weight, gain muscle, or just look and feel better, strength training WILL do just that! Whether you’re 100+ pounds overweight or just need to lose a few pounds, strength training is one of the most effective ways to build muscle and to burn fat.

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