
“Beth’s instructions were easy to follow along; lots of information to get better results. Those were the results I expected with pushing myself with the exercises each week. I love feeling the physical strength; but just as important, I love feeling the inner strength. I walk with my head up and engaged in my surroundings. I am owning my place in the world again.”

Suzi Craig  |  Indiana

“Beth gives me the support and education I needed to sleep better, lowered my cholesterol to healthy numbers, reduced my blood pressure and lose the extra weight I had put on. Beth gives you the power to choose wisely and take control of your health. Her programs are designed to empower you with the information and tools to take your health to new heights. She has helped me on my journey to a better life!” 

Ben Buller  |  Louisiana

“I can’t recommend Beth enough to anybody who wants to lose weight, learn how to eat better or needs someone to talk to. She truly cares about her clients and gets the results. My blood sugar hovers below 100 instead of 125 and above, my goal is below 90. She spends the time with me, challenges me and I look forward to our appointments. This program has been a Godsend I will be a lifetime client.”

Michael Dean  |  Texas

“What can I say? This program probably saved my life. Being able to text Beth anytime with questions was an absolute game changer for me. The coaching calls were phenomenal. She is so knowledgeable, every time I talk to her she blows me away with her expertise and gentle guidance. I am just starting on my health quest and I can say I am excited to start on my new self.”

Jolie Deadrick  |  California

“I am a Marine but with my job, family and obligations unfortunately my health took a backseat. I was overweight, depressed and tipping the scale of being miserable. I guess you could say my life got in the way of my health, fitness and my waistline took on a life of its own. After working with Beth for a few months, I got down to my ideal weight, lowered my blood pressure, and my stress levels went down tremendously. It wasn’t always an easy journey for me but I am forever grateful for her coaching. I eat healthier, I work out almost every day and I am enjoying my new lifestyle.”

Jimmy Harlow  |  Texas

“I have known Beth for a long time, and she is the best in the business. I have learned so much from her and am eternal grateful for her, her coaching and her programs. Since working with her I can honestly say I am happier and healthier. She has given me the tools to live a healthier life.”

Joe Robinson  |  Oklahoma

“I wanted to become healthier but I didn’t know where to start on my own. Beth led me through piecing the pieces together. I like to call it my vision for my personal health. Beth’s knowledge and encouragement were crucial in helping me accomplish my goals. She helped me cultivate a balance of healthy eating, exercise and sleep. My time with Beth has been the catalyst for a more positive self-image and an overall improved quality of life. I would recommend her to anyone.”

Ruby Villareal  |  California

“Beth is absolutely delightful. Through 6 months she helped guide me and my daughter through all of our challenges when it came to our health. And guess what? We met and surpassed our goals! I feel better now than I did I my 20’s. I will definitely be back every so often to work with her as a check in, she keeps me accountable.”

Pam Lane  |  Indiana