The Truth About Nutrition

It’s really easy to tell people the following advice: 

“To lose weight, just eat healthier.”

“To be healthier eat less fast food and junk food.”

“Try to eat more organic vegetables, farm-to-table meals, and kale omelettes made with free range eggs.”  

But it’s not far from what healthy people say to people who struggle with their diet and food choices.

In my opinion, these positions are completely out of touch with reality. For starters, fast food is sometimes the only option for a meal and often the only way that many busy parents can feed themselves and their kids.  And those feelings of guilt to food consumption (“I’m being ‘so bad’ by eating this cookie”) creates an emotional rollercoaster.


I mean come on, we don’t need to be told that freshly grown fruits and veggies are better for us than junk food. We don’t need to be told that grilled chicken and spinach salad is healthier than pizza.

We all know this! 


So rather than “trying harder” to eat better we’re going to use things like science and human psychology. 


Here’s what you need to know: If you’re just trying to be healthier and maybe lose some weight, there’s no need to start making daily kale smoothies, eating ONLY chicken and broccoli, and abandoning your comfort foods.


You can lose weight and be healthy while still eating these foods occasionally.  If you are afraid of giving up all “junk food”… You do not need to give up ALL fast food if it brings you joy. You do not need to feel shame for eating a cookie. You do not need to use phrases like “cheat meal” or “guilty pleasure” when talking about a chocolate chip cookie. Food isn’t good or evil!  It’s just food! 


Let’s bring it all together: If we have certain health goals, we can give ourselves the best chance of success by getting strategic about what foods we say “YES” to most of the time, what foods we say “SOMETIMES” to and what foods we probably should limit. 


These YES foods give us more energy and have fewer calories on average than “junk food,” which means we’re likely to eat fewer total calories without realizing it.


And we end up with the benefits of:

  • A longer lifespan
  • A slimmer waistline
  • A happier, healthier existence
  • Less chance of developing a chronic condition/illness


So what are these  foods we’re talking about?

  • Protein like poultry, meat, low-fat dairy, and legumes. 
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Healthy carbohydrates like rice and quinoa.
  • Healthy fats like almonds and olive oil.
  • Occasional full-fat cheese and dairy.


Why is it that these are the foods that happen to end up on every list on every website when it comes to “healthy eating?” 


Simple. They are full of good vitamins and minerals while also being lower in calories than ultra-processed foods that are easily overconsumed.


They also fill us up, making us feel satiated, and keep us under our calorie allotment for the day.

Now you’re starting to get it:

  • If we can prioritize these foods on our plate even occasionally, we’ll feel full more often while eating fewer calories… 
  • Which leads to better health, sustainable weight loss and maintenance!