Just Be

Just being calm (vs. remaining in fear) can be very difficult for many of us. The news is slamming us with plenty of reasons to be afraid. This causes many of us to feel anxiety and worry which in turn causes us to remain in "fight or flight", to deplete our adrenals, and to decrease our immunity.

We worry ourselves sick.

I understand. It's real. Nothing to distract us. Uncertainty can be scary when we are rooted in fear. Something to remember: When we give anything our focus and our attention, we give it energy and momentum. When we focus on negativity from a place of fear, we give it power. This is just universal law.


To focus on what is wrong is to feed it with our attention and to perpetuate the cycle. We give it our power. Again, this is universal law. But the good new is, there is a way to take back our health.


All of my mentors and heroes have said repeatedly, the best thing we can always do is to just BE. To visualize ourselves, our fellow humans, and our entire world in balance and in harmony. Give THIS vision the energy and the momentum! THIS is the cure. "If we can dream it, we can do it."


Worrying is praying for what we don't want. Some of us are addicted to fear and worry. Many of us feed off of it.


When you feel afraid, when worry is creeping in, when you find yourself stuck in a loop, please Stop. Stop what you are doing.  Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth 5 times. Place your hands over your heart and breathe. Visualize yourself as perfectly whole, safe, healthy, and strong. Visualize light wrapping around the world.


It's ok to feel the fear. Fear teaches us to wake up and to pay attention, but remaining in fear breaks us down. Find someone to talk to about your fear, but don't allow it to escalate, to take you over.